
RIBO Exam Preparation

Ribo exam preparation is essential for those seeking to become licensed and work in the insurance industry. The exam is a challenging assessment that requires significant study and preparation to pass. Exam dates are offered multiple times throughout the year and choosing a date that aligns with your study schedule is a critical decision that can impact your ribo exam preparation.

To ensure you are ready for the RIBO level 1 under supervision exam, we have developed a comprehensive program that provides all the foundational information you need to prepare. We combine online learning modules with live webinars and hands-on labs to provide you the best possible opportunity to successfully pass your RIBO exam.

Accessing RIBO Level 1 Textbook PDF: Essential Resources for Exam Preparation

In addition, we have incorporated additional Ontario specific material in our ILS L1 program to allow you to better prepare for the Ontario auto and habitational sections of the RIBO licence. Once you complete your ILS L1 program, you will be ready to write the RIBO licence exam and begin your career in the insurance industry.

You are required to have a valid passport or government issued photo ID on the day of your exam for identity verification purposes. You will also need to have a valid e-mail address on file with the IBAO to receive your RIBO exam results. If you are unable to attend the scheduled exam, a rescheduling fee may apply. It is important to understand that you must maintain a stable internet connection throughout the duration of the exam to avoid technical interruptions. Unauthorized breaks during the exam may result in termination and nullification of your ribo exam results.