
The Risks and Drawbacks of Anxiety Group Therapy

Anxiety group therapy has some notable drawbacks over personalised treatment. The generalized one size fits all approach required by the group setting will severely restrict the therapist’s ability to tailor specific solutions to each patient’s unique needs. Group therapy, due to its nature of sharing information and experiences, tends to isolate one person who may have little or no control over the environment in which they live. The ability to interact with other people is often limited, with little or no chance to interact with others outside of the group setting.

anxiety group therapy

Group Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

The group setting also offers little or no time for self-reflection and self-education. While this is useful in many ways, it can be highly limiting in that the sufferer’s mental health can become stagnant with the same problems being addressed repeatedly over an extended period of time. Group therapy can also often cause the sufferer to view the illness as a problem rather than an opportunity for self-reflection and self-education. Anxiety group therapy can also be very rigid thinking is often a factor.

Group therapy can be both beneficial and harmful depending on the individual. It can be a valuable tool for sufferers of anxiety but those who have a severe mental health problem should not use it. If a person has no control over the group environment and they are unable to make decisions for themselves, then group therapy can become a negative experience. It is important to seek out individualised treatment if you suffer from anxiety and to ensure that your treatment options are suitable for your condition.